A successful web site depends on a good web host. A hosting company provides the server where your website is stored and sent to users via the web when they put your domain address in their browser. Some of the most important criteria for selecting a hosting provider is reliability, support, space, speed and of course price.

I recommend HostMonster and have found them to be an excellent hosting service. They provide top notch 24/7 US-based support, many tools and the price is very reasonable. HostMonster is consistantly rated as one of the top 10 hosting providers. They offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee and your website is automatically backed up so you can be sure your site is available and your data is safe.

Currently HostMonster is running a special price on hosting of $4.95 per month which requires a 3 year contract for a total of $178.20 prepaid. There is no setup fee and your first domain name is free for the first year. Domain name renewals are $13.99 for each year after the first.

I can and will work with most any hosting provider but I have had good support from HostMonster so I do highly recommend them. If you would like me to setup your hosting I can do it for you and then bill you for your hosting renewels, but if you use the provided link and setup your own account, HostMonster will automatically bill your credit card directly for all domain name and hosting renewals.

If you would like to take a look at HostMonster just click the banner at the right.